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Gender Flexible Casting

Stage Partner has an exciting collection of plays that have flexible casting parameters that will fit whatever your school or theatre needs.

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  • The Day The Internet Died - Stage Partners

    The Day the Internet Died

    Written By: Ian McWethy and Jason Pizzarello
    Length: 30-35 minutes
    Cast Size: 10-50 actors (suggested casting: 10F, 10M, 5 any)
    Genre: Comedy
    On a sunny day in the town of Bloomington, a devastating occurrence happens. No, it’s not famine, or floods, or loss of your basic rights. The internet has gone down! And it will continue to be down! For a week! A whole week! Pandemonium! In a world that is so dependent on the internet for shopping, mailing, and posting pictures of cute babies, how will society function? Not well as it turns out...
  • The Day the Internet Died (full-length version - Stage Partners

    The Day the Internet Died (full-length version)

    Written By: Ian McWethy and Jason Pizzarello
    Length: 70-85 minutes
    Cast Size: 10-50 actors (suggested casting: 10F, 10M, 5 any)
    Genre: Comedy
    On a sunny day in the town of Bloomington, a devastating occurrence happens. No, it’s not famine, or floods, or loss of your basic rights. The internet has gone down! And it will continue to be down! For a week! A whole week! Pandemonium! In a world that is so dependent on the internet for shopping, mailing, and posting pictures of cute babies, how will society function? Not well as it turns out...
  • The Video Gamapalooza - Stage Partners

    The Video Gamapalooza

    Written By: Don Zolidis
    Length: 90-100 minutes
    Cast Size: 10-60 actors (suggested casting: 20F, 5M)
    Genre: Comedy
    A wild and rollicking ride through the history of arcade games, computer games, and newfangled apps! Join a crusty Gen-X-er longing for the good ol’ days and a plucky youngster who has downloaded the good old days on their phone in 12 seconds as they visit the emotional intensity of Pong, the groundbreaking nature of Ms. Pac-Man, the torturous love affairs of Mario, and the real estate developme...
  • Antigone: 3021 (one-act version) - Stage Partners

    Antigone: 3021 (one-act version)

    Written By: Nina Mansfield
    Length: 35-45 minutes
    Cast Size: 14-24 actors (suggested casting: 2F, 1M, 20+ any)
    Genre: Drama
    It's the year 3021 and Thebes has just been through a bloody civil war. Chancellor Creah has decreed that anyone who buries the body of the traitor Polyneices will face the death, but Antigone is determined to bury her brother, no matter the penalty. She brazenly breaks Creah’s law and broadcasts her crime on the public cloud. Now Creah must decide if she will bend to the will of the people or p...
  • Antigone: 3021 - Stage Partners

    Antigone: 3021

    Written By: Nina Mansfield
    Length: 75-90 minutes
    Cast Size: 14-29 actors (suggested casting 2F, 1M, 21+ any)
    Genre: Drama
    It's the year 3021 and Thebes has just been through a bloody civil war. Chancellor Creah has decreed that anyone who buries the body of the traitor Polyneices will face the death, but Antigone is determined to bury her brother, no matter the penalty. She brazenly breaks Creah’s law and broadcasts her crime on the public cloud. Now Creah must decide if she will bend to the will of the people or p...
  • Identity Play; or Who You Are If You Think You Are - Stage Partners

    Identity Play; or Who You Are If You Think You Are

    Written By: Jason Pizzarello and Jon Jory
    Length: 35-40 minutes
    Cast Size: 10-30+ actors (suggested casting: 5F, 5M, 5 any)
    Genre: Dramedy, Drama
    A series of comedic and dramatic vignettes exploring who we are and who we want to be. With endless choices and expectations, do our actions define us or do our intentions? What about our words? What about the way we dress, the friends we keep, or how we act online? Is who we think we are different than how other people see us? In such a complex, face-paced world, it's vital to slow-down, reflect....
  • The 8 Ways Pokemon Go is Destroying Your Life - Stage Partners

    The 8 Ways Pokemon Go is Destroying Your Life

    Written By: Don Zolidis
    Length: 30-35 minutes
    Cast Size: 8-40 actors (suggested casting: 15 any)
    Genre: Comedy
    The most popular app may just be your doom. Sure everyone is playing it. But whether it leads you off a cliff, into a volcano, or into the waiting arms of super-criminals, this play explains the perils and pitfalls of Pokemon, including old people, mind control, hallucinations, and people who are just a little bit too into it. Also featuring the terrors of upcoming apps like Poke-Cupid, Sonic the...
  • How to Win at Life - Stage Partners

    How to Win at Life

    Written By: Don Zolidis
    Length: 30-35 minutes
    Cast Size: 8-25+ actors (suggested casting: 2F, 2M, 8 any)
    Genre: Comedy
    Sure technology has made some things easier, but has it really made everything easier? Now, with a new mobile home system of drones from Amazon-Google-Microsoft-Apple, technology can truly help you win at life. Do you need your food chewed and regurgitated into your mouth like a baby bird? Done. How about all that pesky parenting that takes so much of your time? Solved. Think about all the wasted...
80 Items