The Top 10 One-Act and Full-Length Plays of 2023

As we start the new year, let's give a round of applause to the most-produced plays of 2023! Curious to see what inspired so many theatre groups? As always, you can dive in right now and read all top 10 full-length scripts and all top 10 one-act scripts online for free! 

The Top 10 Full-Length Plays of 2023

  1. The Day the Internet Died by Ian McWethy and Jason Pizzarello
  2. Rogues' Gallery by Elissa C. Huang, Ian McWethy, Jason Pizzarello, Kathryn Funkhouser, Maria Pretzl, Patrick Greene, Rachel Bublitz and Tyler Dwiggins
  3. How to Survive Being in a Shakespeare Play by Don Zolidis
  4. The Witch's Princess by Don Zolidis
  5. A Wrinkle In Time adapted by Morgan Gould
  6. Peter Pan (Non-Flying Version) adapted by Jon Jory
  7. Alice In Wonderland adapted by Jason Pizzarello
  8. The Single Man by Don Zolidis
  9. A Night Under the Stars by Tracy Wells 
  10. Queens by Kristen Doherty


The Top 10 One-Act Plays of 2023

  1. The Day the Internet Died (one-act version) by Ian McWethy and Jason Pizzarello
  2. When Bad Things Happen to Good Actors by Ian McWethy and Jason Pizzarello
  3. Knock Knock by Kathryn Funkhouser and Jason Pizzarello
  4. Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Your Teachers (but were afraid to ask) by Jason Pizzarello
  5. The 10 Best/Worst Things About Middle School by M.G. Davidson
  6. Queens (one-act version) by Kristen Doherty
  7. A Wrinkle in Time (one-act version) by Morgan Gould
  8. 12 Angry Villains by Jason Pizzarello
  9. Will You Be My Nemesis? by Kathryn Funkhouser
  10. In the Forests of the Night by Del Martin